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Piedmont Hospital

Piedmont Regional Hospital


The labs that are processing COVID-19 tests are limited as to how many can be processed. Our policy is to prioritize so that we are sending tests from our sickest patients to try and avoid delays, which would undoubtedly result if we also are sending results from patients with mild to moderate symptoms. Screening out patients who have mild or moderate symptoms impacts our personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, protective eye wear, etc.) inventory and increases the risk of exposure to our staff and other community members. For those with mild or moderate symptoms, the treatment plan for someone with COVID-19 is the same with or without a confirmation from a test – self-isolation at home.

More information:

Piedmont Healthcare Implementing Higher Level of Safety Restrictions for Visitors

Piedmont Columbus Regional’s Response to COVID-19

**If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19, please call Piedmont’s toll free number :

